Veeam Plugin for VCD

How to upgrade the Veeam Plugin

These instructions are for Service Providers explaining how to upgrade the Veeam Plugin for VCD to the latest version. The upgrade process can be broken down into these simple steps:

  1. Remove the current Veeam Plugin from VCD
  2. Follow normal plugin Installation/Configuration Steps

Removing the Veeam Plugin from VCD

Removal of the Veeam Plugin from VCD depends on the version of VCD that you're running. If you're running VCD 9.7 or newer, the recommended method would be using the VMware Plugin Lifecycle Manager. If you're running VCD 9.1 or 9.5, the recommended method would be using Python.

Using VMware Plugin Lifecycle Manager

  • Open Customize Portal or Plugin Lifecycle Management from the drop-down in the VCD Provider Portal
    • Example: https://vcd.home.lab/provider

VCD Drop-Down with Customize Portal

  • Mark the checkbox next to the Veeam Self-Service Portal plugin and click DELETE

Delete Veeam Plugin

  • Refresh your browser window (or logout/login to VCD)
  • Verify the plugin no longer shows up in the drop-down for VCD

VMware Plugin Lifecycle Manager

Using Python


  • Python 3.4+
  • Python libraries required:
    • requests


  • Download the current plugin
  • Unzip the plugin to your computer, open a terminal, & navigate to the plugin folder
  • Modify the values in the manage_plugin.json accordingly for your VCD environment
    • System Administrator account is required

Sample manage_plugin.json:

  "username": "administrator",
  "org": "System",
  "password": "P@$$w0rd",
  "vcdUrlBase": ""
  • Execute the Python script below to list already install VCD plugins:
python3 ./ list
  • Find plugin named Veeam Self-Service Portal by Veeam and copy the ID field as shown below

Python List

  • Execute the Python script below to remove the plugin from VCD:
python3 ./ unregister <plugin-id>
  • Refresh your browser window (or logout/login to VCD)
  • Verify the plugin no longer shows up in the drop-down for VCD

VMware Plugin Lifecycle Manager

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